Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Year of {Vaga}Bonding: Home Again Home Again...

We will be saying goodbye to New Hampshire on Thursday morning bright & early! We really enjoyed our time here, we both got a lot of work and a lot of relaxing done, and we both enjoyed the brutal cold once we got the heater fixed, haha. I will post some of the things I've been working on later. For now, enjoy some pictures of snow! =D

Yesterday Jamie took me on a date in Concord! We visited a couple of coffee shops, went to see "Life of Pi," which was great! Very close to the book, which I loved. It was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, too. Really good CGI on the animals... there were times where I could tell it was CGI, but most of it I really wouldn't have known the difference. After the movie Jamie took me to the Barley House, an upscale version of Burgers & Brews with live jazz music, romantic! =) Except that a rare burger in NH is truly a rare burger... none of this wimpy California "rare" where it's barely pink in the center. It was RED, baby. A little too much for me, but I enjoyed the meal anyway. We haven't gone on a fancy date in a while. =)

We do have some news to announce. We are coming home! This trip was awesome... it was an adventure, it was fun, it was interesting, it was exciting, we learned a lot and we met a lot of great people. But it was also exhausting. We really missed our friends and families back home. I miss all my arts & crafts supplies. I miss having a job and an income. I even miss cleaning my own toilets. (We cleaned the house today and I actually enjoyed it, haha). Living the life of vagrants is not for us! My wanderlust is tame; an adventure here, a trip there.

So we're going back. It was still a success, even if it was cut short. We didn't run out of money, our car didn't break down, I learned to drive a stick shift (I never got the hang of starting a fire, I'm too impatient), we saw lots of sights and cities and states, and we got to know some of our relatives better! I declare this mission successful!

We have a few more places to go before we head back. First up, Niagara Falls! Next we will be stopping in St. Louis to stay with a longtime family friend before we trek down to Oklahoma to visit some of Jamie's family before we make the long trek to pick up my brother in Colorado and journey home.

I have a few more posts up my sleeve, so stay tuned everybody! ;) Thanks for reading along on our journey so far!


halloween camilla belle chipotle lsu football lsu football Jessie Andrews sofia vergara

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