Saturday, December 1, 2012

Homeschooling With a Meek & Quiet Spirit eBook

coverHomeschooling With a Meek & Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell is now available as an eBook at a reasonable cost.

The book is formatted for Kindle.? However, you can read the book on other devices (iPad, Android, and your computer, among others) with the free Kindle reading apps.

As Teri Maxwell points out, every day is a day to live out our faith.? Every hardship presents an opportunity to move the focus off of ourselves.? Every difficulty is an opportunity to walk in God?s ways knowing that He has a purpose for each trial.? And that it is our time alone with the Lord and in prayer that undergirds a meek and quiet spirit.

Read the rest of our review.

You may also be interested in a study guide that is now available directly from Titus2 at a nominal cost.


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